Monday, July 25, 2011

Entering the Final Week

     We have a mere seven days left of our time with Masha on this trip.  She has very much squeezed her way into hearts in the last weeks.  As each new day goes by everyone becomes more and more comfortable with each other.  Russian from my girls and English from Masha is starting become common place.  Masha barely spoke at all the first 2 weeks, but now we get to hear her voice non stop.  She is attempting to string together sentences with true meaning now(Not in front of strangers).  A lot is still communicated non-verbally and through single words, but we have done very little to work on English other than flash cards, alphabet, and listening to some downloaded files.  With some real structured teaching time and a real teacher I believe she will be able to learn very quickly as she can already spell small words through phonics.  She definitely pronounce our words much better than I can even attempt to say letters in her alphabet.  I feel comfortable that if we bring her here and find the right people her transition to school will be easily possible.  I am not saying it will not be challenging, but I know we have one smart little girl on our hands.
Part of the New Horizon"s Program. Masha Liked the Quote

     I am going to try to get everyone to keep it easy this last week with her, but if you know my house that is definitely not going to happen.  The girls already have at least 3 days of activities they want to do with her before she leaves.  More than likely I will give into what ever they want to do because their intentions are pure.  I know I talk each blog about my girls and Masha, but for me their relationship is the most important.  I believe a sibling is the person you will know longer than anyone else in life, so your relationship with them can make a huge difference in how you face the world.  We spent the entire day at home yesterday, and the girls stayed upstairs and entertained each other all day.  I thought it was because of video games, but when I went up there the controllers were all laid down and they were playing a made up game of hiding a golf club. I was itching to get out of the house, but seeing the amount of laughing and made up play we stayed home.  I continue to be amazed at how a 15 year old enjoys playing so much with my girls.  I wonder sometimes if she is being more like a babysitter, but then she initiates all the games so I think not.  Every time I ask if she need a break she answers instantly no.  Whatever she does or does not feel for Liz and I is made up for the love she shows both my girls(Pretty sure she thinks Liz is pretty amazing as well).

Masha is starting to want pictures with Everyone

     Now for the dad part. I know I have said before I went into this expecting very little.  I knew that Liz and the girls would be an instant hit and make her transition much easier and they definitely have.  I really thought she would not be comfortable at all with me for awhile, and surely not on this trip.  Even though I tried hard it took almost 2 weeks before she even referred to me as anything.  At that time I was beginning to think I was going to be right, and I was really Okay with it.  Plus, I was not quite sure how to interact with a 15 year old anyway.  Little girl easy, preteens and teenage girls with hormones scare the Hell out of me.  The last 1.5 weeks have put all those thoughts behind me.  She pretty much enjoys everything my girls enjoy so far, just spending time with dad.   After all dad is all fun in this house anyway as long as everyone is quiet in the car while I am driving.  Although nothing like the relationship she has with the girls in my house it is so much more than I expected.  I will say the daddy daughter time with all the girls the other night helped immensely.  She at least comes to me now 25 percent of the time for help. 

    Update time:  We have learned nothing else new other than all the names have been actually submitted for availability.  Even if we can not have her forever and always we would still like to bring her back for Christmas.  Last night she made it evident she wants to stay in one comment.  We were going over our usually likes and dislikes conversation for weekly report. She always says she loves everything.  This week very loudly when we asked what she did not like she said, "Ukraine."  It was touching and sad all at the same time.  I would love to think it is because what an amazing family we have, but I think anything here is such an improvement over her current situation that would be her only answer regardless.  More to come in the next few days as our time is coming to end with her for the summer, but hopefully this is only the beginning.



  1. Reading others stories of sadness (yours and Rachael's mainly) over D day is making me really sad for everyone. I'm going to be sad enough for my own D day.... She is so cute, and she even looks more comfortable in the pictures, no longer like a visitor in your family, but part of your family.
    I really hope everything works out just the way you want it to.

    PS I never thought to include Anya in the weekly report. I'm going to ask her this time.

  2. This week will be so bittersweet for all of us who've fallen in love with our host children. I think it's even harder for the kids, because they're homesick for their friends and their familiar home, even if it's not great. They're ready to get back and tell everyone about their adventures. Still, they would love to stay, too. Tough week, but worth it.

  3. Initially Masha said she was home sick. Now when we ask she says she never want to go back. I wish that was an option. I'm sure our drop off will be anticlimactic since there are only 4 kids leaving out of Dallas.

  4. I found your blog through Rachael's. We are in the long process of adoption in Ukraine right now and I wanted to comment about the time frame. I know several families who have stayed for three weeks and then after the court date have returned home for the ten day waiting period before one parent returned to pick up the adopted child. We actually went for a week and a half and got all of our needed paperwork completed and scheduled a court date a few weeks later. We then returned for the court date and my husband was only gone for six days total. We left for Kyiv on a Friday, arrived Saturday, traveled to our region that night, got there Sunday, had court Monday. Monday night my husband took the train back to Kyiv, spent Tuesday signing powers of attorney and flew back home Wednesday and was at work on Thursday. While it is not the fastest way to get the kids home, it can be broken up over a longer period of time if needed. We have also experienced lack of family support, and it is disappointing. We have noticed now that our kids are almost home that people have quit saying so many negative things (we still hear it but not as much). Maybe they see that we aren't changing our minds? I don't know. Anyhow, good luck with everything!! Enjoy the ride!
