Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Some days are for living. Others are for getting through."

    This is going to be short and to the point as I do not have the energy now to go in depth with what happened today.  The entire process to bring Masha home is officially over.  All the emotion, attachment, hard work, and money are officially flushed down the drain.  We found out today that there was a mistake made and Masha is not available to be adopted.  Liz is emotionally in shambles right now as she has invested the last 4 months trying to make this happen.    It is absolutely heart breaking to see my wife this upset, and on top of that we still have to tell Masha we can not come get her.  There is a whole list of feelings that we are both experiencing right now and none of them are positive.  Anger, Sadness, and Betrayal have to be at the top of the list for myself.  I figured we would have to go through all the trials and tribulations of this process, but I really never saw this coming.   It is very unfortunate that we did not surround ourselves with a more competent individual to facilitate this process,  if we would have an enormous amount of heart ache would have been avoided.
     As emotions settle some and thoughts become clearer I will post again.


  1. With all the trouble we all expect along the way, this was definitely not something we expected to hear this far along into the process. I know it feels like the end, but I am holding out hope that the "mistake" was made today, and not back in the beginning when this news wouldn't have been quite as devastating as it is today. Hugs, thoughts and prayers to your family and Masha. I am sure this will be even harder for her to accept than it is for you all.

  2. My heart is breaking for you guys & tears are welling in my eyes right now... This is terrible. I am so sorry.

  3. My heart also goes out to you all and especially Masha. After 10 years that it took to get one daughter home from Russia, I know it hurts us so much and yes, anger and even hatred comes to the surface at times. But this has to be killing her as well. Do not give up. File the I600 before her 16th birthday which we did for our Ashlee and allow God to direct the path to helping her. If we can help please call or let us know and we will do anything possible. Children with more against them getting home than this, have indeed made it home in the end. As I have to tell myself when I think things should have made a different turn and ended in a different way, God does NOT make mistakes and He is big enough to use those made by humans to build His kingdom even more. Let this find its way to glorify Him and not aid the enemy.

  4. Chris and Liz,
    I am in shock! I am so sorry to hear this news and I know that the two of you and your girls must be beyond words, and then full of them! We are praying that somehow things can still work out for adopting Masha and that you all can have HIS peace in this storm.

  5. Our prayers are with you. We were told Oct. 13th 2010 that it would be "minimum" 1 year before our son could "possibly" be adopted. He was not leagaly free and due to issues in Latvia it was possible there would never be a way to have it happen. We prayed & prayed asking the Lord to either open the door so wide nothing would shut it, or close it so tightly we understood this was His will. He kept that door open, even when all hope seemed lost to us. On Oct. 7th, 2011 he became officially our son - less than the year that we were told woudl be minimum. Yesterday 11-1-11 the official 20 day waiting period in Latvia was over for someone to contest it. We do not understand why we had to cry so many tears and have our hearts broken so many times. Maybe it was to remind us "HE" is in control, not us, not the courts, but Him. I still remember the devastation I felt when I got the call "MAYBE in 1 year" Keep praying and look to Him for His will in all of this. Ask for clarify from Him for the path you are to follow, and then follow what you think He is asking you,e ven when others are saying "WHY." We did,a nd Feb. 24th we got a call - out of the blue saying he's free and we mailed our documents for him that day.

  6. I am so sorry to hear this-I have been following along on the journey of so many others as we still do not know if our Ukrainian daughter is registered. Our daughter was officially not available originally but we continue to hope as God has moved mountains and supposedly, she was placed on the registry, but we have been unable to get confirmation. I am praying for you that there will still be hope for Masha to become your daughter and, whether or not God does open that door, that He will encourage all of you continually and give you strength to get through these trials.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear what happened. You and your family are in my prayers. I can't believe you came so far only to run into a brick wall. I will pray for a Miracle.
