Monday, November 26, 2012

There is No Certainty; there is only Adventure!

    So it is officially official, we have our dates to fly to Ukraine and meet with the ministry of magic.  Liz and I will leave Monday, have our meeting on Wednesday, then travel immediately from there to Masha's orphanage to have her write the letter of intent.  This ridiculous roller coaster ride of uncertainty is about to come to a finite end in the next 6-8 weeks.   I think in the last 2 months we have been to both extremes on our decision to continue, but when it comes down to it there is a little girl that we have had in our house for 10 weeks that we all fell in Love with.   Our real adventure starts next week as we work to permanently make Masha a part of our family.  Liz and I both know that there is no certainty on how things will go once we bring her home, but we hope with our love and guidance we can help her to change her stars.  We know there are some that will think we are crazy, some that will not understand, and others that flat just do not agree with what we are doing, but we hope that those that feel that way can find in their heart to be supportive as getting her home will just be the beginning of the journey. 


  1. Big news! So happy you made it through the year and everything is moving forward. We have completed our Russian adoption this year so I know how it feels to live through it all. Enjoy your time in Ukraine!

  2. I met your wife last year when we were both getting documents notorized at the Capital. We got our son home from Russian last year. I think you guys are amazing and I know a lot of resources you guys can use to help your beautiful Masha! We are friends on Facebook if you would like to contact me! I will have you guys in my prayers!!!!
