Friday, September 2, 2011

Keira Abigail Atchley

  Just when all is right in the world and you are cruising along just fine you are bound to be thrown a change-up or curve ball.   Lets just say that was exactly what it was like when we both found out Liz was pregnant with our Keira Abigail.  At the time Liz and I both felt we had this perfect little house, and had even discussed not having anymore kids as Carley was just about perfect and we were perfectly content ourselves.  Then BAMM, Liz is pregnant even on birth control.  Lets just say Liz was not immediately happy about gaining weight again.   I tried hard to reassure her she was beautiful, but and I quote "You have no idea what it is like to have your butt fat touch your back fat!"  I can pretty much say I was mud in the house during the entire pregnancy and everything wrong in the world was my fault for 9 months.  My sister in-law Leah that lived with us at the time can back this up if Liz tries to say I am exaggerating. In fact, half way through the pregnancy with Keira I was really worried if I was ever going to get my sweet kind loving wife back.

    Then the miracle happened and Keira Abigail was born.  As soon as she came out I had the wife back that I have always known, and we had another little girl.   I will be the first to say before Keira we were almost boring. Everything was too textbook easy and planned.  After Keira our lives have been on fire, which we both agree now is exactly what we needed.  Keira Abigail added a dimension to our family we had no idea we were missing until we got her.  She brought a different type of energy and love to the house that I am not sure we have ever experienced.  I make many references to my mother, and for those that knew her know how charismatic and loving she was.  Well, Keira Abigail could be a mini Carla in her own way in more ways than just looks.  People are just drawn to her regardless of their age. She puts off an energy that is almost impossible to ignore, and gives hugs that make you feel like you are the most special person to her in the entire world.   Where my Carley Elisabeth is calculated and reserved, my Keira is spur of the moment and free spirited.  I want to be careful not to sound like she is handful, because her manors and behavior are impeccable.  She just has a much higher energy level than anyone else in the house, which keeps us on our toes.  Keira was definitely what our family needed. She took a bland boring house, added some much needed spice, and I love her more than ever for it.

Я тебя люблю Keira,


1 comment:

  1. I love that little Keira, she is so adorable and just as sweet!!
