As for me as a single dad. The weekend started out great. I filled the days with movies, ice cream, bounce places, dinner with friends, shopping for mom and the girls, and lots of chocolate consumption. Then the week started and my shining reputation as a dad quickly went out the window. The very first day of real dad responsibility the girls get to school 3 hours late. I do have a couple of excuses due to snow and a baby sitter being stuck in Amarillo because of weather, but in the end I failed so they get a big fat tardy on the first day of me being Mr. Mom. The rest of the week went quite a bit more smoothly with Papa doing the lions share of carting our girls around from activity to activity and even helping out with homework and dinner a couple of days. Not sure what I would have done with out him that week. My cousin Jordyn and Liz's sister Leah pitched in a couple of days to help out as well. Without the help of these three people the week just would not have happened. I'd would love to say I owned the week and had everything completely organized and put together like I do in my O.R., but that would be a lie. I pretty much spent from the time I got off work till way after I usually go to bed running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Everything got done every night, but it was never quite as silky smooth as Liz seems to accomplish it. I think my two biggest accomplishment were Liz getting home and not being able to make the regular wife statement, "What have you been doing while I've been gone? The house is a wreck!", and I even got a compliment on how nice the girls looked every day, even their hair. We picked Liz up late Friday night and you could instantly feel the tension ease in the house with MOM being home. The girls were instantly happier and I actually slept all night without waking up every hour from thinking I forgot to get something ready.
I love you forever
I like you for always
As long as I'm living
My wife you will be
I'm sure you did a great job! No one expected you to do it perfect like Liz, not even Liz I bet. If you did, you would think her job was easy and there is nothing easy about running a household! Sometimes I wish Todd could walk a week in my shoes, but he struggles if he's Mr. MOM for a day. LOL, in his defense we have 3 kids under 4 years old, even I can barely do it!